Monday, November 29, 2010

new toy

From Protea Farm 1

Ness has a brand new toy. Now she can zip around the property at speed ( admittedly she does that anyway, but engine-assisted she is now just a blur ). Tiresome jobs such as collecting alpaca poo and disposing of large piles of prunings now great fun!

Meanwhile we have now exceeded the annual rainfall for Blackpool, with no end to the storms and rain in sight. Could be worse, I suspect that this week Blackpool is covered in snow.

Monday, November 15, 2010

a new life in the sun

Rainfall in Mudgee to date in 2010 850 mm

Average rainfall per annum in Blackpool 871 mm

Should have stayed in Lancashire?

At least the olive grove that Ness is planting is being very well watered in.

Just need to plan the Protea Farm Illuminations- they may catch on.

Friday, November 12, 2010

betty pinder 1930-2010

From Protea Farm 1

Farewell to Mum who passed away this week.