We continued east along the Murray to Yarrawonga- despite the tourist information beseeching us to 'linga longa in Yarrawonga' we did not do so, it is quite a large town and apart from being on the edge of Lake Mulwala it does not have a lot going for it.
Spent a night at the Lake Hume dam which is the one responsible for the bizarre looking Lake Mulwala. One of the guys who worked there told us that it was currently at 11 % capacity and this season there will be no water allocated for irrigation in the Murray basin, and that it was being preserved for domestic use only, so I guess that no rice will flourish this year. The reason Mulwala looks particularly spooky is that the level was lowered by 2 metres in the summer due to water shortages.
While at the reservoir we spotted 4 sea eagles all drifting in the thermals above the water- apparently they are flourishing there and someone doing a long term study has reported 14 juveniles this summer. Quite incredible to see so many of the massive birds together.
Beechworth and Albury had particularly fine post offices.
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