Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

We survived Xmas and New Year. Much food was cooked and consumed, many local wines and exotic cocktails were downed, all with great company.

Temperatures now a festive 36 degrees, and shorts and T shirts have been retrieved from the wardrobe.

The Sydney Harbour fireworks were the best ever- cannot believe that it was 1996 when we were there to see them live. A lot has happened since then.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

home alone

Things ticking along quite well on the homestead in the absence of the Kiwi. I managed to find the blown fuse and restore the electricity supply after the last deluge.

The amount of water around the place has caused a population explosion of large aggressive mosquitoes which appear to have the ability to bite through clothing and are resistant to Aeroguard and all other repellents. As I write this I am sitting uncomfortably due to a nasty clutch of raised itchy bites on my right buttock. Ness may take some persuading that I have not been frolicking around outdoors naked at sunset due to their position!

We have a second bright sunny day today, so I may even be able to mow the lawns.

Australian sports lovers are in a trough of despond after the last 2 Ashes Test matches, and I am banned from discussing cricket and trying not to be too smug- very difficult with a Nation of highly skilled sledgers


Thursday, December 9, 2010

...and there was rain

I know I have been banging on about the rain, but it has been quite extraordinary. Our little water filled ditch which we rely on to provide water for the garden is now an impressive lake with an overflow that tonight is a serious canal flowing down the hill.

From Protea Farm 1

The kangaroos do not quite know what to do with the rising levels

From Protea Farm 1

Ness is now in NZ for a couple of weeks so I am home alone watching the rain and hoping we do not get flooded in again.

Had a great night out in Sydney last night...thanks to all the friends involved,