Thanks to the vast readership for their support- earnings from the google sponsorship to date $0.03. This could potentially provide an annual income of $3.65, so pretty exciting. Please note the addition of a handy google search engine, so those who have google as their homepage could use this blog instead ( thanks Soo for your forward thinking on this one). Would like to say that I have become fully conversant with html, but it appears that cut and paste makes light work of all needs. What do they pay these IT specialists for?
OK, I have mentioned google four times now, that may me a corporate whore. Not sure about the ad link for 'bikini babes' wallpaper, but enjoying the horse herbal arthritis cures and the alpaca breeders in NSW.
Stinking hot today, and Georgie has been spurred on by the initial success of the veggie garden and bought tons of new plants. Another bed has been planted up, and eagerly awaiting the borlotti beans ( the butter beans almost ready to harvest- admittedly it is a veg I loathed as a kid, but maybe homegrown in the sunshine my palate may have altered).
Now officially
too much rain : the wine growers getting alarmed due to the upsurge of downy mildew on the grapes. Will be interesting to see how the organic growers cope with it. I dealt with it here by buying a vat of noxious chemicals and spraying the offender to oblivion. I reckoned that all the loving care I put into reviving an ailing line of vines was not going to be destroyed by a wretched fungus.
Still drinking our way merrily through our Frog Rock bargain wine cases- $5 a bottle,
and drinkable. Should be a good Christmas. The winery regularly discounts bin ends, and the owner told us of their famous returned stock sell out - a large shipment was returned in the wake of 9/11, and locals still discuss the Bin (Laden) End bonanza.
For the first time in ages it is a dry and warm evening so we are sitting outside the Winnebago as I type this ( drinking a fine Frog Rock Semillon), and a couple of kangaroos have just hopped past, only about 20 feet from where we are sitting. Life is tough.
My mission has been to post great pictures of roos, kookaburras, blue wrens, and parrotty things, but they are elusive creatures and I have failed miserably. Cheetah munching on a gazelle were much easier to capture in Africa, but I will persevere.