Thursday, June 19, 2008


Have been continuing along the coast, and today ended up at Wilson's Promontory National Park. This is the southernmost tip of mainland Australia and the promontory covers over 50,000 hectares with an amazing combination of mountains, great beaches and rainforest gullies.

Being a National Park we had to sneak james dog in. We have a fine-tuned technique of Ness stuffing her full of food while I pay the entry fee at the park entrance. Today was a doddle as there was a height restriction so we had to park the van up while I paid so I sauntered up to the lady in the booth ( my best ' I do not own a dog or have one with me saunter' ) and paid the entry while Ness sneaked through the slip road in the van.

The main reason for the visit was the promise of wombat sightings and we were lucky enough to spend some time watching them. They are possibly cuter than koala.


Lovely's Blot said...

aren't they great!

Anonymous said...

I WANT ONE - possibly cuter than Jasper dog (and James!!!).

Soo xxx