Wednesday, July 15, 2009

alpaca vanity

Marley, the Wailers and Alan were let out yesterday to wander the grounds and seek out some green grass. The lawn we planted outside our cottage has sprouted amazingly well so we were hoping that the resident grazers would mow it for us as the ground is too soggy to use the ride-on mower.

It transpires that alpacas are curious creatures, and the Wailers follow them wherever they go, so we had a bit of trouble evicting Marley and the girls from the laundry room after they nipped indoors to lick the washing machine.

Useless Alan had a large feed of roses and a few nibbles at the lawn before he became fixated with his handsome reflection in the window of the house, and we found him on the verandah with his nose pressed against the glass chatting and posturing to his new best friend. I expect that soon they will learn how to open the sliding doors and we will find them all sitting by the fire.

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