Friday, April 24, 2009

still moving in

Day 5 of the new venture and the guests are still rolling in. Ness is a whirlwind when it comes to stripping beds and making them up again, and I am becoming well versed with the contents of the janitorial cupboards.

'Back to backs'- when guests depart at 10 am and a new batch arrive at 2 pm- are keeping us pretty busy. We did have 1 cottage empty for 24 hours so managed a massive spring clean, and hope to do the same today with the second one. In between this we are slowly emptying Geoffrey and moving ourselves in. I think that the camping furniture looks very stylish indoors.

From trek phase 4

The office ( well, a small cubby hole ) is fully functional.

From trek phase 4

However the living room needs a little more work.

From trek phase 4

Ness caught doing the dishes at 6 am this morning.

From trek phase 4
Spiderman came and sprayed the 2 of the cottages and we spent the next day sweeping away an array of large spider corpses. We should however have got him to spray the car judging by the size of the huntsmen around here.

From trek phase 4

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