Sat 20th
One of the joys of our orchard in the hills campsite is watching the kangaroos at sunrise and sunset hopping across the fields. We decided last night to trek closer to their hopping ground to try and take some photos.
Well camouflaged in our stupid bush hats, we set off into the twilight- not a roo to be seen. Eventually we both got the feeling we were being watched, and slowly turned round to see 6 or more of them stealthily following us.
It takes a steadier hand and a fast shutter speed to catch those devils when they accelerate, but James dog decided she was up to the job at a pace we have never before witnessed she set off in pursuit. The infirm in pursuit of the uncatchable!
Sun 21st
32 degress again, no cloud. Went for a drive to an auction in the middle of nowhere- livestock, rusty old farm machinery, abundant red dust and flies. Even the locals had abandoned the bush hat and corks idea for sturdier facial meshing bee-keeper style. We hid in the camper while James spent several hours failing to buy anything.
This evening the ginger marsupial hunter actually swam the whole width of the damn to get over to the other bank where roos were grazing. Took a while to retrieve her as she has discovered that the fencing has jack russel sized holes. The roos leap the fence, the dog whizzes through it and off they go into a further paddock. She is now sound asleep and snoring.
Still awaiting news re horse vaccination. James off vaccinating tomorrow for a few days, so our job is to prune the overgrown shrubs and trees in the garden. I will of course be wearing my kevlar head to toe gardening suit having checked the fridge for arachnoid and snake anti-venom.
Keep the suggestions coming for the Winnebago- looks like Susan and Betty have been rejected ( unsurprisingly by Susan and Betty ) and Jason Dono-Van in the lead. My brother the anagram king has suggested ' in a new bog' , but it lacks a certain ring. Mind you, he called our previous house 'Serves U No Ham', so you can see his level of inspiration.
Keep the emails coming- the evenings are long after sundown, especially when lovely new generator runs out of fuel.
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