The diggers rebelled against the licence police and demanded a tax on discovered gold to replace it. The upshot was a rebellion at Eureka when the diggers shut themselves into a stockade and an ensuing massacre by police and troops in 1854. It is seen as a significant event in Australian's history, and is outlined in the Eureka Museum in Ballarat.
The cynics amongst us would suggest that the trigger factor was a drunken brawl followed by a witch hunt which has been glorified over the years to suggest it was a victory for the underdog against the oppressors, but as I am not at all cynical.....
Meanwhile...back to Lake Wendouree . There is a 1919 Melbourne tram which has been restored and the tram line runs around the lake.
The tram driver looks like a man who was born to drive vintage trams or steam trains (probably the Hogwarts Express).
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